The first qualifier is this weekend. It is going to be chilly so make sure you dress accordingly. Bring your application (new tournament costs are on the application download below), Insurance paperwork, and Liability waivers with you. I will collect them at the ramp on Saturday the 25th. See you there.
Top four anglers: Doug White, Jesse Tacoronte,
Dave Frost, & Ray Trudeau.
Top four co-anglers: Josh Williams, Froggy Kolasa,
Mark Lamb, & Tim Pass.
Jan 25 & 26 Lake Santa Fe
Feb 16 Winter Haven Chain
(Lake Shipp)
Mar 8 Lake Apopka
Apr 12 & 13 Lake Toho
(South port)
May 3 & 4 on St Johns river
(City Ramp)
Jun 14 Johns Lake (Clermont)
State Championship
Jun 28 & 29 Lake Panasoffkee
(Tracy's Point)
Semi-Finals with the Georgia Bass Federation
Sep 27 & 28 on Lake Blackshear at
Georgia Veterans State Park, GA
a. Must be in good mechanical order:
1. with a fully operational combustion motor.
2. operational cut off switch (must be attached to operator whenever the combustion motor is running). This can be tested at anytime during the tournament by the Tournament Director.
3. trolling motor with fully charged batteries.
4. two (2) operational live wells each capable of sustaining 5 (five) large mouth bass (it is the responsibility of the co-angler to insure they are operational).
b. During tournament hours, all angler will wear a US Coast Guard (USCG) approved flotation device when ever the combustion motor is running. The only exception is during launching and loading the boat at the ramp.
c. Boaters must have a rear seat available for the co-angler to use.
d. Co-anglers MUST offer their boater a minimum of $25.00 to offset operational expenses.
will be a blind draw, with anglers paired with co-anglers. Once the co-anglers are all paired, then boaters will be assigned launch numbers individually.
a. Can be downloaded from this website.
b. Once completed, they should be mailed along with entry fees, to the Tournament Director NLT 10 days prior to the tournament.
a. Applications/waiver may be mailed (see section 3 above) or presented during check-in, or at the ramp on the morning of the tournament.
b. Checks are preferred, however cash will be accepted.
a. Entry fee for anglers is $85.00, including an optional $10.00 Big Bass fee, effective Jan 1, 2025.
b. Entry fee for co-anglers is $70.00, including an optional $10.00 Big Bass fee.
c. Tournament will be a blind draw, with anglers paired with co-anglers.
d. Once the co-anglers are all paired, then boaters will be assigned launch numbers individually.
a. Entry fee for anglers is $140.00, which includes an optional $10.00 Big Bass fee.
b. Entry fee for co-anglers is $120.00, which includes an optional $10.00 Big Bass fee.
c. Tournament will be a blind draw, with anglers paired with co-anglers. Once the co-anglers are all paired, then boaters will be assigned launch numbers individually.
d. On day 2, co-anglers will be paired with boaters in reverse order.
1. Co-angler 1 will fish with the last boater drawn.
2. Co-angler 2 will fish with the second to last boater drawn, etc.
To qualify an angler must fish a minimum of two fishing days. Either 2, one-day events or 1, two-day event. The State team will be made up of the top 6 anglers and co-anglers from the State Championship, plus the Angler (AOY) and Co-angler of the Year. (The angler with the most tournament points from the tournament year will be the AOY. These are the same requirements for the co-angler).
a. The state team along with two-man teams from each FBF club will compete in the Semi-Final with Georgia. Florida (2024 St. Johns River & 2026 Lake Toho) and Georgia (2025 Lake Blackshear & 2027 TBD)) alternate as the host every year, with Florida on even, and Georgia on odd years.
b. The Top angler and co-angler from each state will advance to the TBF National Championship.
c. Effective 2025 each State may send their State Champion angler and co-angler directly to the Federation National Championship. (State's must pay $1,000 for this team)
d. The TBF National Championship is a three-day tournament and the top angler and co-angler from 48 states will be invited to compete.
e. The TBF is divided into 7 regions and after two days of competition, the top angler and co-angler from each region will advance to the final day. (The top angler and co-angler from each division will also receive an invite to the BFL All American). After the final day of competition the Winning angler receives the “Live Your Dream” package valued in excess of $125,000 in cash and prizes including a brand-new Ranger Z520 powered by Mercury 250HP outboard engine, plus $20,000 and a paid entry fee stipend into whatever tournament trail they want to fish. The winning co-angler receives the LYD package worth over $30,000, including paid entry stipends into the circuit of choice.
Dec 29 2024 FBF meeting mins (doc)
DownloadAngler Ray Trudeau, Bassin Fools, was the State Champ with 24.57 lbs on
East Lake Toho.
AJ Willequer,
Golden Triangle Bass Hunters,
took first place as Angler of the Year.
David Perry, Bassin Fools,
finished as Co-Angler of the Year and earned big fish honors with 8 lbs.
Doug White, St John Bass Anglers, was top Florida Angler with 29.98 lbs and won big bass with 5.35 lbs on St Johns River.
Josh Williams, St John Bass Anglers, took the Co-Angler spot with 26.83 lbs on St. Johns River.
Aerial view of the Harris Chain of Lakes, Florida
Florida Bass Federation
Capt Allen Willequer, President
REACH ME AT MOOVD2FLA@AOL.COM or Text 352-223-1602
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